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Updated: Feb 20, 2023

Welcome to My Blog!

No, not the 'usual blog' It is a blog of journey and growth. Tap in as I set out to inspire myself and grow through each weeks activities. I hope you can learn with me too.

My life mission is to be a better person. To grow and to become more connected to HKBH (isn't that what we are all here for?)

I want to say that I'm inspired by the little things..but there is nothing in life that is small!! Honestly the flowers, and trees, and how my day co-exists with yours are such BIG things! How our lives are worlds apart, perhaps we have never met in person, but they both run with such precision and perfection in unison. It is truly unbelievable!

Really it is the bigger things that we find harder to deal with. It is the complexity of things that happen in our life when emotion and logic join the scene that confuse us and make it difficult to have true clarity.

Needless to say I need to continuously be inspired, and I'm on a quest to do just that!. Oh how I strive to learn from every situation I'm placed. I try to find the quotes of inspiration and messages of true hashkafos that will carry me through each drama, and I daven for continued hatzlocha and seito dishmayo.

In my blog you may find a parsha thought that gave me chizuk along my journey, or perhaps a quote that I took to heart. One thing is fore sure. I'm talking good vibes. positivity, love and connection!

In a tech era there is nothing like starting a platform where I can jot down my thoughts and ideas and spread inspiration through my typed word.

I'm no speaker, but I love to connect - to connect with my soul and with my readers. My goal is to connect with Hashem and I pray that He will allow my feet to lead me there.

Art VS Torah

Torah is my essence, but art is a way of unlocking my potential and getting there. My Torah thoughts may not always have 'artistic references', but knowing that art is merely a tool for me to grow in Torah really shows that although seemingly concealed the art lingers. Look out for it. I'm sure you'll notice an artistic /poetic style in my writing at times, and you may even come across an 'artistic mindset'. This is my way of unearthing the torahs pearls.

What to Expect?

I will write about Torah thoughts that I felt a connection with, I will write about my art journey and I will throw in quotes that inspire me along the way..

I don't want you to feel spammed so don't worry you wont get these posts in your email...but be sure to check the site often :) (if you are interested in getting email notifications about my posts let me know. I can set up that feature if there is interest! )

I'll see you at the next bend for I know that greatness lurks ahead. Success ahoy!

'We're off to great places, today is the day!'

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